Online Manual Finder aims to make it super easy to find manuals for your stuff. We focus mainly on electronics, televisions, games consoles, audio equipment, domestic appliances... all those things around the home that should be so simple to use, but often aren't!
To find a manual, just type in the name of of your product into the search bar at the top. If you can't find your product, you can browse by category by clicking on the "All categories" dropdown on the left.
We've spent months rounding up as many manuals as possible, working directly with suppliers to make sure that all our information is accurate and up to date. As a result, we now have over 4100 documents in various formats, and we hope you find them helpful.
If you have a manual in your posession that we don't have listed, please do contact us to submit your manual. If it's suitable, and we definitely don't have it, we'll pay £5 for each submission!
Please also note that our website may contain affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on sales of the products for which we have manuals. You will never be charged a fee for shopping through one of our affiliate links. You may even get a discounted rate, and we will make a small commission. Our content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships; we aim to list the manuals that we think people need, any many of our manuals have no affiliate marketing links.